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Entries in Shenee Howard (4)


Growing Leaps and Bounds

Happy Monday to you.

This past week has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride. There has been a huge flurry of activity, and I'm trying to keep up with it all.

Last week I wrote a post for Shenee Howard's Story Tour, and if you haven't been over to her should head on over! There are some amazing, heart-wrenching, soul-stirring stories to soak up. Shenee was also my first guest for Finding Your Joy! Tomorrow we'll continue the series with Jo Anna Rothman, of Big Sparkly make sure to check back in to see what great things she has to say!

I've managed to make some amazing progress on my journey, despite some health setbacks. It has been a week of hard work. Every night I've come home from my day job and got right to work on making headway for my entrepreneurial dream. So far last week:

I worked on brainstorming ideas for bettering my blog (redesign, flow, presenting information, offering services)

I sent out an email offering my design services to start gathering clients. I've already received one email to design wedding invitations! I couldn't be more excited!

I finally solidified some great ideas for my cousin's wedding invitations. They're going to be beautiful!

I found several options for printers to work with, until I can find a feasible way to do my own printing.

I began work on creating a list of products+services, a price sheet, and initial questionaire.

I started working on sample illustrations for my future products+services.

I started hosting my first guests here on the blog!! I can't tell you how happy I am to be welcoming some amazing individuals into my "home."

I've finally become comfortable enough to start sharing in a more widespread way. I participated in Shenee's Story Tour and I hope to guest post on other blogs in the future.


It has been a great week, despite being sick,  and I look forward to making up for missing the last few days by diving in head first tomorrow.

What have you crossed of your list? Have you made any leaps and bounds toward your goal?


Be Who You Are

Good morning friends. A few weeks ago I was asked to be a part of the Eight Thirty Five Story Tour with Shenee Howard. Each blog on the tour is exploring the theme of story and what it means to them. I really wanted to dig deep and talk a little bit about where I've come from and what inspired me to start this blog. I never really got into this much before, so here it story.


There was a time when creating art was my life. I lived, breathed, ate and slept art. There were months of getting only a few hours of sleep a night, drinking any kind of caffeine to stay awake, to stay in the zone. I was at one of the best art schools in the country, surrounded by some of the most brilliant minds I have ever encountered. It was heaven. I was home.

Somewhere along the way, I got a little lost. I let go of the things I wanted, and tried to become what everyone else wanted me to be. The sad thing is, at the time, I didn't even realize it was happening. It wasn't until a while later that I realized the joy was gone. Where did it go? What happened? I really had no idea.

I graduated. I moved on. I got a job in graphic design and I loved it. I still love it. But even now...something is missing. For years, I didn't create a single piece of art for myself. I didn't know how. I didn't have that need stirring in me. Those years were some of the scariest years of my life, as I'm sure you can imagine.

But then one day, after it felt like I had gone to hell and back, something amazing happened. I met some truly great people who really knew how to live life. Every detail, every moment, was savored. It was magical. I thought, "Where have you been all these years?" This is how life should be. This is how life should have been all of these years. Suddenly, I felt the need to be amazing. The kind of wonderful that inspires others to be better as these people had inspired me. I started to fight, for all of those years I had lost, to get back to the real me...the me that had been buried inside. I found the want again. I found the need. And now, I can't stop. I won't be stopped. Don't even try.


I am so thankful to be a part of the 835 Story Tour with Shenee Howard.
To view more stories or submit your own, click here.



Finding Your Joy: Shenee Howard

I wanted to start my new series "Finding Your Joy" in the spirit of Spring and the renewal that it brings. This is a time when I feel refreshed and ready for what the world has to offer. This is a time when we are cleaning our closets, revamping our wardrobes and breaking out our craft supplies in preparation for a new start.

I've gathered some amazing women to talk to you about finding your joy, and working for your dreams. Without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to our first guest...Shenee Howard!



I am writing this post about 4 hours after I should have launched my site. I am in the middle of an epic battle with my developer to get my site live and have a pile of emails to go through. Did I mention that my developer might be ignoring me? I haven't really slept. I have eaten more pasta than any one person should and I feel pretty crummy.

I know what you are thinking: When is she gonna get to the joyful bits?

Right now. Here is the thing: I am here. I am talking to you right now about how I am finally doing the work I have always wanted to do. The work I was born to do. And that makes me feel about 800% better.

I was so honored when Janelle emailed me. I have to say it was exactly what I needed at the time. I have moments where I feel like I can't send another email or tweet. I wonder if I can scan through another site without going completely mad.

My story is a fairly common one. A while ago, I was on the job search and I felt really defeated so I decided to abandon it and do anything else. I stumbled upon a blog or two about entrepreneurship and I jumped on board. I didn't have much money and I didn't have a plan but I had the intense desire to not apply for anymore jobs. I sent emails. I designed things. I wrote things. I made a lot of mistakes.

I just knew I couldn't go backwards.

Living a life doing the things you love isn't always easy. There are struggles. There will always be snags. Especially when you are starting out. We are all just learning.

But we do it because we long to be free, right? I would rather stress myself out and go totally crazy staying up all night doing MY WORK and not the man's dirty work. My work. Your work. Doesn't that sound amazing to say?

I decided that the best thing I could do here is to give you some of the greatest advice I try to give myself daily:


  • Act like you already have it: A lot of the times we watch successful people do things that we think we want/should be doing. It can be a little disheartening watching people thrive while we are trying to survive. You don't have to. Get out there. Share your work. Show people what you can do. Have yourself together in such a put-together way that they will just assume that you are an expert. But here is the crazy part: You are.

  • Hustle, in moderation: I am used to pimping myself off. Earlier on in my journey, I would email people all the time and tweet like a mad woman. You don't have to do all that. Send an occasional cold email once and a while but focus on doing great work and forming real relationships with people.

  • Everyone is a potential friend: If you come into contact with someone you think is cool, get in touch. The more relationships you form, the easier your journey will be. It is always to get some support for what you are doing. It is also great for the karma to give it to others.

  • Growing sucks, a lot. But that's ok: Because sometimes it hurts. It can be embarrassing. It can cost you money but we gotta do it. I always give myself such a hard time when I make mistakes and I have tried to stop doing that as much. Make a mistake, clean it up and learn not do it anymore. Plus, perfect is boring.

  • Give yourself a break: This is very important to me. A lot of the times we feel like we have to be plugged in at all times and be available to people and that is soul-sucking. Take one day every week and abandon all your work commitments and do something new. It's scary at first. I am a workaholic and I am not good at breaks. But your work will be much better. Plus, absence makes the heart grow stronger, right?


Here is what I want to tell you: You kick ass, ok? You do. And if I can find joy without getting any sleep and crying all night, I know you can. I am so excited to see what you can do. If you ever want to connect, I am on twitter. @sheneeh. My new site is

Hopefully it will be ready by the time you click.



Some Thursday Thank Yous

I wanted to take some time to introduce all of you to some powerful ladies that are making waves. I want to thank them for being leaders, educators, and shining examples of how with some hard work and a little elbow grease, you really can live a life you love. These ladies are warriors, and all of them have become sort of role models for me.

{Thank You via Pinterest}
Original Pin


So without further ado...


Piper Larson: You can find Piper over on her new site, where she coaches entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams. From the moment I entered her site, I was amazed at the strength of her words, her power and energy. This was a women who was going places...and she wants to help you shine, too! She's also giving away a copy of The Firestarter Sessions from Danielle hurry on over there and check her out!

April Bowles-Olin: I just discovered Blacksburg Belle a few days ago, and it rocked my world. April shares her wealth of knowledge about becoming a creative entrepreneur and offers action steps to reach your goals and build your business. Blacksburg Belle is a resource to teach you how to turn your creative dreams into a that I couldn't live without!

Jenn Gibson, Darrah Parker, Lori Portka, Jamie Ridler, Andrea Schroeder, and Sara Smaha: These ladies make up the wonderfully amazing, oh-so-beautiful Roots of She. This site is a safe haven, a sounding board, a community of lovely women of all shapes and sizes. Their story is so special, and one that is needed in this modern age.

Shenee Howard: I first met Shenee when she found me on Twitter and said "Let's chat!" She's hard to resist! I'm always impressed by her energy, and how she seems to be able to do it all. Shenee uses words like "Pimping," "Awesomeness," and "Brevity," and she is all about being yourself and struttin' your stuff. Her personality is addicting, and she has so much to offer the world!! You can check out Shenee's intensity at her personal website or in five days you can check out her new site eightthirtyfive!